Richard Rieber
Richard Rieber
@LeStarch: I must confess that I am a tad ignorant as to whom stamps data with ERT in a heritage ground system and how that gets tacked onto a missions...
I support this. I do want to mention that on M2020, the Load-and-go flag is buried in the "File Processing Field" of the "File Load Header". e.g. it's a flag...
@timcanham You are correct in that files do not TRANSMIT more than one file at a time, but due to reception kerfuffles or auto-retransmits from different protocol layers (think PROX-1...
@timcanham A good point you make! My ignorance about the inner-workings of the code is front and center :)
@LeStarch What I'm hoping we have is a 1-command feature that dumps the entire telemetry state. I'll confess again that I have no clue how best to make that happen...