Enhance `explore()` to be able to accept **matplotlib** color abbreviations - b: blue - g: green - r: red - c: cyan - m: magenta - y: yellow - k:...
- [x] I have checked that this issue has not already been reported. - [x] I have confirmed this bug exists on the latest version of geopandas. - [x] (optional)...
See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73625534/transfer-custom-plotfunction-to-plotly Effectively have short cutted `PlotFunctions.plot_network()` stripping out **matplotlib** to return `pos` and `G`. Then have created new function that can generate a **plotly** figure from the **networkx** constructs....
Extend capability to pass list-like parameters to be used in styling **folium** map when parameters of `style_kwds` and `marker_kwds` are list like Example ``` import geopandas as gpd import pandas...
closes #2554 Changed data ### ne_110m_populated_places.zip row count changed ### | | name | geometry_old | geometry_new | |----:|:--------------------------|:------------------------------------------------|:------------------------------------------------| | 36 | Lome | POINT (1.22081126074562 6.133882930268385) | | |...
use warnings context manager to suppress map classify warning when column is invariant
Have built framework to run through combinations of `cmap`, `scheme`, `legend` and `categorical`. This framework identified a number of combinations that should have worked but failed. Have created utility class...
- [X] I have checked that this issue has not already been reported. - [X] I have confirmed this bug exists on the latest version of geopandas. - [X] (optional)...
#### **geopandas** distributes country and cities data from natural earth These are currently inconsistent releases of datasets. Update so both use same version #### API breaking implications None
- [X] I have checked that this issue has not already been reported. - [X] I have confirmed this bug exists on the latest version of geopandas. - [ ]...