It all comes down to injecting HTML. when `categorical=False` a legend in injected. By changing this hidden function function ``` def _categorical_legend(m, title, categories, colors): # Header to Add head...
@martinfleis I tend to agree, however currently if you install **geopandas** v0.11 and **pygeos** v0.13 `overlay()` does fail. Should be a point in time issue... **pygeos** tests succeed on wheels...
@jorisvandenbossche I've redirected `pytest geopandas/tests/test_overlay.py` and then pulled out the exceptions. They all are this: ``` > result = lib.is_valid(geometry, **kwargs) E pygeos.GEOSException: IllegalArgumentException: Argument must be Polygonal or LinearRing...
@jorisvandenbossche in all cases `pip install shapely`. It's definitely compatibility issues between **shapely** and **pygeos**. Have also had compatibility issues between **Fiona** and **shapely**. Have had to use work around...
closes #2583 and #2408 and #2587
Have found other parameter combinations that land up in inconsistent behaviour and errors. No need to consider for review until sorted. This is resolved in commits on 21-oct ``` import...
@olsgaard > Another thing to look at is when calling `.explore()` on an empty dataframe. This can easily happen if you have a pipeline with a number of filters, and...
@martinfleis > It brings quite a bit of additional complexity to a method that should ideally be lightweight. We had a discussion on the maintenance burden before we introduced `explore`...
another change that I have done is optimise **test_explore.py** have reduced amount of geometry in `self.world`. This means **folium** will generate a map more efficiently given less *geojson*. Reduced to...
@olsgaard I'm working on https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/pull/2590 to improve this type of behaviour. Have identified this issue, haven't fixed yet... Post into a comment fix that you have identified rather than two...