Oskar Jaskólski
Oskar Jaskólski
Hi! After upgarding volumio (OTA update) it does not show the WEB UI. I got these errors: ```javascript Failed to instantiate module volumio due to: Error: [$injector:nomod] Module 'volumio' is...
I have the same problem. I followed the instructions [here](https://forum.dokuwiki.org/d/6045-warnings-in-the-search-function/2) to rebuild the search index, but it didn't help me with this problem 😞.
I've also tested the `MH2024K-16SS` and the test hang up on **Running Test Case "TestTrackFinishedCallback"** I'm using arduino mega with `Serial1` (`DFMiniMp3 player(Serial1);`) Also I've commented the: ```c++ // if...
Thank you @zhaoxiaohai!