Hi, Meets some problem when using fuel in Kotlin. I have to upload a image and also needs with some data like "name" and "id" like the attached image in...
在Chrome搜尋欄中偶發無法打中文,但是可以透過Caps 切成打英文 - [v ] 輸入法叫不出來,或無法正確輸出中文 **問題發生步驟** 1. 打開chrome app 2. 開始在網址列打字 3. 切到小麥注音但是無法打中文 **預期正常狀況** 希望可以打中文 **螢幕截圖或螢幕錄製** 無 **電腦環境** macOS Monterey 12.1 - 小麥注音版本:版本2.2.1(1202) - 鍵盤樣式: - [x] 標準 -...
Hi, I run the face detect sample code on my Samsung S5e tablet and Lenovo M10, I have a problem when using tablet with landscape mode. You can see the...