Hi, boot is, similarly to leiningen, a build tooling for Clojure. Recently I started to play with its scripting mode [1], which could be very useful for Gorilla REPL. One...
Hi, is it possible to plot heat maps [1] using clj-xchart? I was unable to find this functionality. If it's not supported, could it be implemented? Thanks! [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_map
Is it possible to define a new theme in Clojure and use it later with :theme keyword?
I try to plot multiple lines, each with a different stroke (solid, dash-dasah, and dash-dot), but all are plotted solid. ``` (c/xy-chart {"A" {:x (range 10) :y (range 10)} "B"...
Hi, if I understand correctly, the marker size can be set in the 2nd hash-map in xy-chart function (the 1st one described the data to be plotted). However, the 1st...
Hi, it would be useful to have an area (fill) plot that is defined between two curves. I'm thinking about something similar to svg-radar-plot-minmax but for Cartesian coordinates. Another reference...