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Simple job queues for Python

Results 212 rq issues
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Currently I have a custom Queue class that implements this feature by overriding the `enqueue_dependents` method, but after upgrading to 1.11 stuff breaks as a consequence of my overrides. Is...

It would be nice if these functions accepted additional parameters so we could e.g. pass in reusable database clients/connections and avoid having to initialize them inline, when they are invoked....

RQ uses redis SETS store the dependent jobs in the deferred registry. When the set of dependents is retrieved, the SMEMBER function in redis is used. Unfortunately, this set function...

Both in the Queue class in the Worker class, can one find `queue_class` `job_class` https://github.com/rq/rq/blob/v1.10.1/rq/queue.py#L40 https://github.com/rq/rq/blob/v1.10.1/rq/worker.py#L101-L102 But what about making it possible in the Job to support custom Failed-, Started-,...

Currently there is no cleanup for deferred jobs in the DeferredJobRegistry. The only way for jobs to leave the DeferredJobRegistry is if the jobs' dependencies succeed. If dependencies fail or...

Hello, I noticed using duplicate job_id leads to some unexpected results. ``` @rq.job("low") def test(input): from time import sleep print(input) sleep(2) print("dummy job finished") test.queue("first execution", job_id="test") test.queue("second execution", job_id="test",...

Currently each job only stores the result of its last execution. This makes troubleshooting failed executions across multiple executions difficult. This PR allows RQ to store multiple results and potentially...

I'm not sure what is causing this. Here is the warning in the console: ``` Moving job to FailedJobRegistry (work-horse terminated unexpectedly; waitpid returned 256) ``` Looks like the job...


Hi, I'd like to schedule a *cleanup* job for all running workers, ideally periodically. Looking at [rq-scheduler](https://github.com/rq/rq-scheduler) I can't find any way to make it worker specific. Is there such...