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Simple job queues for Python

Results 212 rq issues
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#### Reproduce ```python class Factory: @classmethod def create(cls, n: int) -> None: ... def func(f: Callable[[int], ...]) -> None: f(2) queue.enqueue_in( timedelta(seconds=delta_seconds), func, args=(Factory.create,), ) ``` #### Stacktrace ```python AttributeError:...


Is there a way to programmatically create more workers at run-time? When the work finishes the job, it simply dies. In this way, I can minimize the amount of jobs...

I have a custom exception handler which I want to run with the default exception handlers. The custom handler works fine when an exception is thrown inside the function being...

Currently, it appears that job status is stuck at `started` when checked within an `on_success` or `on_failure` callback. Since the job can have different statuses (at least when it comes...

needs fix

I'm running a worker in docker (```rq worker --url=redis://redis:6379 --with-scheduler --name=worker1```). Now I have a task that looks like this: ``` # tasks.py import logging def f(): logging.log(logging.INFO, "THIS IS...

Consider the following snippet below and two running workers: ```python r = Redis( host="localhost", port=6379, db=0 ) q = Queue(connection=r) id_1 = str(uuid4()) q.enqueue(func_1, job_id=id_1) q.enqueue(func_2, depends_on=id_1) ``` In that...

Hi this is my current implementation for a simple ratelimiter. ```.py from django_rq.queues import Queue from rq.utils import backend_class from rq.compat import as_text from rq.exceptions import NoSuchJobError import time class...

Closes #886 Captures the stdout and the stderr of a job and makes it accessible using `job.stdout` ans `job.stderr`.

Hello guys, Can you pls think about adding a parameter to customiz a worker burst mode? The need is adding some parameter witch can dellay worker quiting forsome time like...

I'm trying to enqueue a job using functions from a python module compiled with cython. The Enqueue fails with error `on_success callback must be a function` the type of the...