Radu Popovici
Radu Popovici
That's the thing I wanted to avoid. Currently, only the theme context is automatically injected through styled props, but if you want another context to be injected there is no...
you can try to apply "word-break: break-all" style on parent div
IMO a disadvantage of airbnb's navigation library is the fact that is written in Swift for iOS. This will add up to 5 MB to you bundle because Swift's run-time...
I had the same problem in `react-native` with some tests. What fixed it was to: - replace `jest-environment-jsdom` with `jsdom` in jest.config.js - use fake timers in legacy mode -...
@tmikov this is a major problem for anything which relies on dates to generate unique identifiers or localized translations.. Both iOS and android have mechanisms to notify the app when...
@tmikov The simplest most straight forward solution here would be to expose an API from `hermes` which will cache the timezone info on demand instead of doing it automatically on...
@tmikov if relying on timezone change events is a deviation from the standard behaviour, then trying to debounce the timezone info every second could be an acceptable compromise solution which...
Listening for `NSSystemClockDidChangeNotification` or `NSSystemTimeZoneDidChange` can be done directly from `PlatformIntlApple.mm` using objective-c blocks. That should work without any side effects from C++ ``` id __block token = [ [NSNotificationCenter...
@tmikov When `queue: nil`, the block runs synchronously on the posting thread, but than can be accommodated to run on different [NSOperationQueue](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsoperationqueue?language=objc) if that's necessary. `I suspect the safest thing...
@tmikov can't speak for others but it seems ok for our case.