One idea that's been burning around in my head that might apply is "everything is a board". A realm file is just a board. A server/realms's blocklist is just a...
@rpj all good points. The TTL thing is indeed the one that has given me the most pause with the "everything is a board" mind set. > Does seem like...
@makeworld-the-better-one, thank you for the perspective. > encrypted communications being illegal on ham radio frequencies That's really interesting, I didn't realize that. I made a new issue over on my...
Absolutely, happy to noodle on this. Thank you for the clarification. In this case, I think that simplifying and just having a fixed TTL of 22 is preferable. As with...
An unrelated denylist question. Is it intended to apply to the `GET` method too? It would seem to make sense that if you are preventing publishing (`PUTs`) you would also...