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An R package to analyse and visualise admixture proportions from STRUCTURE, fastSTRUCTURE, TESS, ADMIXTURE etc.
[alignK_not_working.zip](https://github.com/royfrancis/pophelper/files/6133015/alignK_not_working.zip) The alignK step seems to work fine for me in some situations but not others. Example below run in exactly the same way is using the same dataset twice...
Hi, I have created averaged barplots for each K using mergeQ, and would now like to plot them stacked together with each population cluster having the same colour across each...
Hi, I am probably missing something really obvious, but is there a way to flip the plotting coordinates (have samples along the y-axis) of the stacked assignment barplots? I attempted...
Hi, I have an issue when I am using pophelper with a structure file containing pop information. The format doesn’t seem to be recognized by the function `readQ` because of...
* Please describe the circumstances under which you got the error # unable to intall pophelper in r version 4.1 * Paste the code that you executed *# install_github('royfrancis/pophelper') *...
Dear, I am trying to plot fastSTRUCTURE results using pophelper. However, I using a list of individuals with the subpopulation label (pop_info). The first subpopulation "BOP" has 159 individuals and...
* Hi, I have run fastStructure analysis using GBS data from K1 to K10. So I have 10 meanQ files. However, when I try to import the files using this...
* Please describe the circumstances under which you got the error * Paste the code that you executed * Paste the error message returned * What version of pophelper are...
Hi I am having some problem installing pophelper package in R version 3.6.0 for Windows 10. I am using the following code: # code system('defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8') install.packages(c("Cairo","ggplot2","gridExtra","gtable","tidyr","devtools"),dependencies=T)...
I have 2 sets of group label sets: short and long label sets. For the short and long label set, I would like to use _grplabangle = 90_ and _grplabangle...