Haowei Cai (Roy)

Results 219 comments of Haowei Cai (Roy)

We need more information to tell what the problem is. On the other hand we just had a new release for Kubernetes 1.23: https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/releases/tag/v23.6.0. Could you try if that helps?

It's not GA yet. Likely it's becoming GA in the upcoming 1.22 release.

/reopen /remove-lifecycle rotten

/remove-lifecycle rotten

@ptsp01 In your https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/issues/1766#issue-1184705898, `status.failed` is `None` in both the Python client and kubectl (note that in kubectl, the field gets omitted). Any reason that you expect the Python client...

The kopf's has a [watch implementation](https://github.com/nolar/kopf/blob/main/kopf/clients/watching.py) that is claimed to be informer-equivalent, which may be interesting to look into.