Haowei Cai (Roy)

Results 219 comments of Haowei Cai (Roy)

Haven't checked the watch implementation for a while. When using a watch you also need to specify a list method which comes with its own client ([example](https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/51c481692ab0d9c71b9dd96342bfa93b721b029d/examples/watch/pod_namespace_watch.py#L37-L40)). I wonder what's...

Looks like it's only used for [deserialize](https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/51c481692ab0d9c71b9dd96342bfa93b721b029d/kubernetes/base/watch/watch.py#L105), which is static in most cases. I think that's why it doesn't need to be expose as a parameter. WDYT?

Please provide more details on what you're trying to achieve. For this kind of questions I'd also suggest asking in the #kubernetes-clients slack channel.

It's hard to tell what went wrong from the error message along. It's a networking connection issue. If you could manually reproduce the issue or provide more details we may...

Does the server respond if you call a different API, or use kubectl inside the pod? Would be usefully if we can capture the HTTP requests (using [debug logging](https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/c66a39108b06091417cdbcd408d6e3d037b446fe/examples/deployment_crud.py#L152-L155) for...

Thanks @aviresonai! Interesting, not sure if @geotransformer hit the same issue. > Invalid value for available_replicas, must not be None That is almost certainly a similar issue to https://github.com/kubernetes-client/gen/issues/52. Reading...

The fix will be in the upstream openapi spec, and eventually land in this python client. You're correct that we won't change the server's behavior. Here is an example: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/64996

Could you please try [this example](https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/master/examples/pod_exec.py) and see if that works?

This is being fixed in upstream. We will cut a new 1.23 client to backport the fix once the PR https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/108740 is merged