Andrew Roughan
Andrew Roughan
Bejewelled's precondition for speech output relies on the presence of a Mockingboard which will have to be changed to be independent. gMockingBoardSpeechEnabled is used to configure the speaker settings for...
We need an assembled version of SAM software for AUX mem space with an aux -> main return routine. SAM uses a lot of zero page space. If this can...
Ciderpress was unable to add SAM to the Bejewelled disk image. I'm off on a tangent to provide a reproducible use case to Andy McFadden. And bingo! a new...
After the SAM software speech code is put into auxmem, the games that have Mockingboard speech need to be patched to use SAM instead. TR Prelaunch can apply patches and...
TR ProRWTS The SAM file that gets loaded into auxmem can be enriched to have all the phrases for all the TR games that will be patched with a...
Qkumba has added Teleport to the collection which also uses the Votrax. His notes from Csa2 announcement post: Teleport supports the Votrax for speech. Press Ctrl-V to toggle. Once enabled,...
Bobbi Manners' Applecorn project provides a reference for loading code into aux memory, running it and returning back to main memory.
I have completed coding a test application that loads SAM into AUX memory, loads phonemes into AUX memory, receives a pointer to the phrase to be spoken, passes control to...
I have determined where in memory Bejeweled is calling speech routines from and have crafted some patches for re-directing to SAM instead. After applying the patches, I can play a...
This project was the subject of my Hackfest entry for Kansasfest 2021. See my entry video here See judging here This was awarded third place.