Andrew Roughan

Results 32 comments of Andrew Roughan

Is this as simple as adding the following? (warning, I am not proficient at cpp and know enough to be dangerous) fprintf("Sub-volume name: ", subVolName, "\n");

ok, thanks for the reminder that there's a long list of requests. :-) From: Andy McFadden [email protected] To: fadden/ciderpress [email protected] Cc: roughana [email protected] Sent: Thursday, 12 February 2015, 16:54 Subject:...

A port of SAM engine into C and some modern resources including a wiki for the phonemes: Software only version of SAM: While this works, the 66 sector...

Apple II disassembly of SAM and RECITER programs from the SAM hardware SDK. Discussion about the usage of the SAM software SDK Documentation for SAM (Hat tip to...

In theory, if the games are using phonemes then only the SAM program would be necessary. Some tweaking of the phonemes may be necessary to obtain similar output. If the...

Speech usage observed during a brief investigation using AppleWin: Berzap uses speech during the gameplay (various). The end of life "Ha Ha Ha" and end of game sequence (??) would...

It is a bug in TR4a1 which has since been fixed. > On 18 Jul 2020, at 8:18 am, TomCh wrote: > >  > Bejeweled - crash to monitor...

Potentially, just target the 64k games - in which case the speech code could be added to AUX memory and then the //e users could also benefit from this. I...

I need to understand each game's usage of the Mockingboard speech output to be able to patch in the SAM usage instead. Bejewelled source code is available which makes this...

Using the games' own Mockingboard phonemes for SAM output is probably not possible - unless it turns out that they are related. The SAM phonemes can be obtained by entering...