Even Rouault

Results 430 comments of Even Rouault

> Should be the fix be considered complete as it landed in the 2.4.0 tagged version? The security issue is solved by the fix that was committed, but I believe...

I've solved the unrelated abi-checker issue that plagued all builds recently, and re-ran your build. So now we have a diagnostic related to your change ``` Field rsiz has been...

While for this particular file (POC), we could bail out earlier given a number of corruptions in segment markers, this wouldn't fix the underlying issue. This issue is a design...

> but it has been refused by I-do-not-know. @szukw000 GitHub indicates that yourself closed the pull request :-) Just reopen it

Can you give more details why getenv() would cause issues ? This is conformant with C89

@Tryum Would the suggested fix at http://git.ghostscript.com/?p=ghostpdl.git;a=commitdiff;h=f8d299c;hp=8e8831a02f172490d7b175e54c7d15814acacea4 work for UWP ? If not, can you propose something ?

@Tryum Just add a look at https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/pull/208 and can't see how it relates to getenv. Anyone please submit a pull request

With the fix done in fbd30b0, this now returns in "clean" error ``` [INFO] tile number 1 / 1 [ERROR] opj_t2_encode_packet(): accessing precno=1 >= 1 [ERROR] Cannot encode tile failed...

I'm not sure we want to add a second build system into the library...