I have the same issue with Fibaro Double Switch... I have about 5 of them.. Seems that when looking at owz-admin the value is correct, but when looking at my...
The same issue. It is not related to Portainer, when you re-create the container I can see this happen. re-create can happen when you update a container image.
Have the same issue, We have a multi-lang site, and when the user changes the locale, the NotificationItem height does not changed, Tried to override it with height:auto, but its...
Yep, just upgraded.. it's not responding.. macOS Big Sur 11.0.1
> @rotem925 Hi, did you find an alternate solution or did you quit the integration totally and work with the app? > Your issue was raised long time ago. I...
#130 related
Hi, I'm having the same issue using טורנדו WiFi Status returns results, but when sending commands.. it hangs.. any resolution on this?
> Hi @kaaspad, you seem to be getting a 404 error for the key exchange, which is really strange. Could you please try re-running discovery, and update the config file...
Also, when running with the new code(and new discovery) and running curl -ik 'http://localhost:8888/hisense/command?property=t_power&value=ON' I get this: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 16 Date: Tue, 05 Jan...
👍 I can approve this is working using MQTT(HA). With auto discovery it picked the AC. Still playing with it..