Hello! In my case everything works fine without `calibrate: false`. Which version of chrome and selenium-standalone do you use?
@gsakakihara Hello! Thank you for answering in this issue, it's very useful. I have some another questions about using coroutines in FCM. If I understand you correctly, I cannot execute...
@Khudoyshukur, sounds good, thank you Are you creating instance of WorkManager inside of onMessageReceived? Could you please provide some example?
Hello! I added some logs and noticed that after phone inactivity chanel comes to `TRANSIENT_FAILURE` state, so I added some logic before my requests: ``` val currentChannelState = channel.getState(false) if...
Also, during the debugging of this problem, I've noticed, that retries are not working. Here is my config: ``` .defaultServiceConfig( mapOf( "methodConfig" to listOf( mapOf( "retryPolicy" to mapOf( "maxAttempts" to...
Finally, I've passed `service` and `method` to the `name` field of the config and now retires are working for passed method. This example was very helpful (btw, I found...
btw, initial problem may be related with android dns cache, as you supposed above. The whole error looks like: ``` Status{code=UNAVAILABLE, description=Unable to resolve host, cause=java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to...
@temawi, thanks, my config really was correct, but I suppose retries didn't work because of the problem I described [here]( Could you please check it? I added notes how to...
@temawi, thanks, I'll try to use custom resolver > Did you have any other issues here besides the service config not getting applied? Unfortunately, I did :( In my android...
Hello! Thank you for continuing to help with this issue :) > This could even be an Android issue where that notification comes in a bit before the network stack...