Mykola Khoroshevskyi
Mykola Khoroshevskyi
At the moment faker doesn't allow to override fields that already on the backend, but there might be a situation when existing API is not yet implemented and return some...
In current state plugin checks that container is up by trying to get container ID from docker. My proposal is that plugin should run tests only after all containers has...
When we calling `openScreen` it leads to error because: `openScreen` calls `redirect(route)` that contains: ` const targetScreen = getMenuItems().find((x: any) => x.menuLink === to)` - returns undefined ( we don't...
Hello Thespian team, I’m working with Thespian (version 3.10) and found a limitation that could simplify actor initialization. When creating an actor using `createActor`, it’s currently not possible to pass...