Ross Moody

Results 9 comments of Ross Moody

Need to wait until Firefox 92 for AVIF:

I'm having a similar issue and this may not be related but I did notice you're missing a `'`. `import MyComponent from './MyComponent'`

Is there any reason why this PR might make it so you can't clear your history? I built this one working on my little icon side project and I can't...

> I found a workaround by importing the css inside the `catalog/index.js`. > > ```js > import css from "./static/assets/css/global.css"; > ``` > > The way descriped inside the doc...

I have no idea if this is bad practice so open to feedback, but I'm tinkering with programmatic v2 and v3 manifests in my extension. Wanted to share in case...

I noticed this as I was working through [my little browser extension]( that uses SVGO and thought it was odd. The default configuration made it much less dependable to scale...

I noticed this error happened when I destructured the `config` object out of `createStitches`. If I left config out of destructure the error went away.

I prob should have pinged first, I saw this one and it said "Fixes OK Translation" so I thought this was just out of date: