Results 50 issues of Rossen

Spawned from #259 `invalid SteamID` = `SteamID(0, EType.Invalid, EUniverse.Invalid, 0)` For numeric input, invalid values do not raise, and instead create a `invalid SteamID` instance: For string input, invalid...




### Terraform Version ``` $ terraform -v Terraform v1.0.11 on linux_amd64 + provider v1.46.0 Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version is 1.1.3. You can...

The current version specification points an old version, and not the latest. That also the case on the terraform registry. # Current version spec ```hcl openstack = { source =...

After setting up travis, a number of issues surfaced. 1. In the `test` phase, before applying patch, we can see `write1` check reporting `NO` result. That result is incorrect. ```[+]...


Should leave copy of the manifest in the download location, then use those, and the contents of the existing file to create a new file updated file. That would result...


Looks like the single threaded nature of the `depot download` implementation can limit the download speed. Need to look into multi-thread or multi-process solution in order to saturate fat pipes.


**Description** `steamctl` doesn't cache licenses, package info, and product info, so accounts thousands of licenses experience very slow runtime. **Steps to Reproduce the behavior** 1. Account with several thousand licenses...


Currently every subcommand prompts for login information when needed. With the growing number of subcommand that is annoying, especially when trying to use `steamctl` as part of script * New...


Look into pyInstaller and producing a single exe that could be used by Windows users.
