Ross Fowler

Results 6 comments of Ross Fowler

I agree with you @MetPhoto, that simply recording and displaying raw resistance levels is of dubious value and it would be much better to use the MiCS-6814 data sheet to...

I had a similar problem and you’ll find some discussions on the topic here: You’ll see that some people have chosen to use a separate sensor but I didn’t...

Sorry, but I forgot to add the air pressure compensation. I used the standard formula for altitude and temperature compensation: comp_factor = math.pow(1 - (0.0065 * altitude/(temp + 0.0065 *...

Yes, I found that it's the heat generated by the Raspberry Pi that caused the issue. There is some CPU-based temperature compensation for the BME280 built into . I...

That’s true @David-Hari. If the temperature is incorrect, the relative humidity will be also incorrect. In the early versions of my code, I used an algorithm that calculated the dewpoint...

It’s solved in this [code](