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Add QoS Magic Number note

Open DLu opened this issue 7 months ago • 3 comments

This number needs to be documented.

DLu avatar Feb 02 '24 20:02 DLu

Hey @DLu, can you double check if these values are specific to different DDS implementations?

audrow avatar Feb 15 '24 18:02 audrow

Hey @DLu, can you double check if these values are specific to different DDS implementations?

Honestly, if someone wants to do that they can, but otherwise it just seems like a roadblock to getting better documentation.

DLu avatar Feb 15 '24 22:02 DLu

INFINITE is rmw dependent definition as below. and ROS 2 just handles that as INFINITE but exact digits.

  • rmw_fastrtps to Fast-DDS

  • Fast-DDS to rmw_fastrtps

fujitatomoya avatar Feb 15 '24 22:02 fujitatomoya