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Substitutions for string manipulations and xacro
Feature request
Feature description
Coming back with another request for a substitution... I tried using a path join substitution with a filename that depends on a launch configuration. The path join substitution does not allow one to concatenate parts of a filename. It ended up using a python expression.
xacro_filename = PythonExpression(["'", LaunchConfiguration("model"), "' + '.xacro'"])
xacro_filepath = PathJoinSubstitution(["robot_description", "urdf", xacro_filename])
Implementation considerations
I would have hoped that text substitution could take multiple texts so that I could do
TextSubstitution(LaunchConfiguration("model"), ".xacro")
But this is not compatible, given how text substitution was put together.
So, how about having a substitution that concatenates strings and then also having the separator parameterized?
In the simple case, one would do
StringSubstitution([LaunchConfiguration("model"), ".xacro"]) # -> "model_value.xacro"
And then, this could be used in other practical ways, for example, to create a xacro substitution
class XacroSubstitution(Command):
def __init__(
filepath: SomeSubstitutionsType,
arg_str: SomeSubstitutionsType = "", # xacro arguments that are passed as a launch argument
arg_dict: Dict = None, # xacro arguments that are defined in the launch file
command = [FindExecutable(name="xacro"), " ", filepath, " "]
arg_str, arg_dict = normalize_to_list_of_substitutions(arg_str), arg_dict or {}
arg_list = [StringSubstitution([key, value], sep=":=") for key, value in arg_dict.items()]
command.extend(StringSubstitution(arg_list + arg_str, sep=" "))
I did the same with Python expression for ".sdf". That was the exact thing I tried, to use a list with TextSubstitution, but then I discovered that it was not possible. Nice suggestion!