ros_comm copied to clipboard
I got lock-order-inversion with ThreadSanitizer
Ubuntu18.04 melodic my code, I want to check if there is a node with same name before I init
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define LOG() printf("[%d]\n", __LINE__)
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
std::string node_name = "main";
//init for check
ros::init(argc, argv, "pre_check", ros::init_options::AnonymousName);
std::vector<std::string> nodes;
for(auto & node : nodes) {
if("/" + node_name == node) { //check if another node with name "node_name" exists
return -1;
//start work node
ros::init(argc, argv, node_name);
//do some work
build and run with LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
, i got this
WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: lock-order-inversion (potential deadlock) (pid=4284)
Cycle in lock order graph: M442 (0x7f49eae620a8) => M445 (0x7f49eae62148) => M442
Mutex M445 acquired here while holding mutex M442 in main thread:
#0 pthread_mutex_lock <null> (
#1 log4cxx::helpers::synchronized::synchronized(log4cxx::helpers::Mutex const&) <null> (
Hint: use TSAN_OPTIONS=second_deadlock_stack=1 to get more informative warning message
Mutex M442 acquired here while holding mutex M445 in main thread:
#0 pthread_mutex_lock <null> (
#1 log4cxx::helpers::synchronized::synchronized(log4cxx::helpers::Mutex const&) <null> (
SUMMARY: ThreadSanitizer: lock-order-inversion (potential deadlock) (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in __interceptor_pthread_mutex_lock
WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: lock-order-inversion (potential deadlock) (pid=4284)
Cycle in lock order graph: M445 (0x7f49eae62148) => M442 (0x7f49eae620a8) => M445
Mutex M442 acquired here while holding mutex M445 in main thread:
#0 pthread_mutex_lock <null> (
#1 log4cxx::helpers::synchronized::synchronized(log4cxx::helpers::Mutex const&) <null> (
Hint: use TSAN_OPTIONS=second_deadlock_stack=1 to get more informative warning message
Mutex M445 acquired here while holding mutex M442 in main thread:
#0 pthread_mutex_lock <null> (
#1 log4cxx::helpers::synchronized::synchronized(log4cxx::helpers::Mutex const&) <null> (
SUMMARY: ThreadSanitizer: lock-order-inversion (potential deadlock) (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in __interceptor_pthread_mutex_lock
when Ctrl+c, out put this:
WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: lock-order-inversion (potential deadlock) (pid=4284)
Cycle in lock order graph: M567 (0x7b4400000228) => M581 (0x7b48000002b0) => M567
Mutex M581 acquired here while holding mutex M567 in main thread:
#0 pthread_mutex_lock <null> (
#1 ros::PollManager::addPollThreadListener(boost::function<void ()> const&) <null> (
Hint: use TSAN_OPTIONS=second_deadlock_stack=1 to get more informative warning message
Mutex M567 acquired here while holding mutex M581 in thread T1:
#0 pthread_mutex_lock <null> (
#1 boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>::lock() <null> (
Thread T1 (tid=4288, running) created by main thread at:
#0 pthread_create <null> (
#1 boost::thread::start_thread_noexcept() <null> (
SUMMARY: ThreadSanitizer: lock-order-inversion (potential deadlock) (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in __interceptor_pthread_mutex_lock
ThreadSanitizer: reported 3 warnings