geometry2 copied to clipboard
Not able to import some files required to run RAZOR IMU 9dof on ROS
It shows up like this
started roslaunch server http://govindpc-inspiron-3458:35267/
- /imu_node/accel_x_max: 250.0
- /imu_node/accel_x_min: -250.0
- /imu_node/accel_y_max: 250.0
- /imu_node/accel_y_min: -250.0
- /imu_node/accel_z_max: 250.0
- /imu_node/accel_z_min: -250.0
- /imu_node/calibration_magn_use_extended: True
- /imu_node/gyro_average_offset_x: 0.0
- /imu_node/gyro_average_offset_y: 0.0
- /imu_node/gyro_average_offset_z: 0.0
- /imu_node/imu_yaw_calibration: 0.0
- /imu_node/magn_ellipsoid_center: [716.958, 574.914...
- /imu_node/magn_ellipsoid_transform: [[0.96552, 0.0621...
- /imu_node/magn_x_max: 600.0
- /imu_node/magn_x_min: -600.0
- /imu_node/magn_y_max: 600.0
- /imu_node/magn_y_min: -600.0
- /imu_node/magn_z_max: 600.0
- /imu_node/magn_z_min: -600.0
- /imu_node/port: /dev/ttyACM0
- /rosdistro: kinetic
- /rosversion: 1.12.14
NODES / display_3D_visualization_node (razor_imu_9dof/ imu_node (razor_imu_9dof/
auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [9417] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
setting /run_id to 030a8dd4-b351-11e9-8cd9-2c6e85216141
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [9430]
started core service [/rosout]
process[imu_node-2]: started with pid [9447]
process[display_3D_visualization_node-3]: started with pid [9448]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/govindpc/catkin_ws/src/razor_imu_9dof-indigo-devel/nodes/", line 38, in None
will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future.
self.setattr(key, value)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/govindpc/catkin_ws/src/razor_imu_9dof-indigo-devel/nodes/", line 36, in
What packages do you have installed? and what packages are in your workspace?