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Problems with Message definitions containing backslashes in comments
Given you have some message definition like the following (SomeMessage.msg
# \brief Some description
# \note Something I really want to stress
float64 x
... genpy will not escape the slashes when writing the _full_text
member for the message serialization / deserialization classes.
In fact, a bagfile will contain the invalid message definition:
Header header
#rief Some description
ote Something I really want to stress
float64 x
... invalidating the stored message and md5hash.
For the given example you can try this out with:
from your_package.msg import SomeMessage
constructed_msg = SomeMessage()
# output the message definition: without the fix you should see \b and especially \n screwing up the message definition,
# introducing a weird new "ote" field for the "# \note" comment
with rosbag.Bag("/tmp/test.bag", "w") as bag:
bag.write("/some_topic", constructed_msg, genpy.Time.from_sec(0))
with rosbag.Bag("/tmp/test.bag") as bag:
# attempt to read the message again. You will get an empty message and a md5sum-error without the fix