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Custom low-level controller
Hi, I am trying to develop the MoveIt2! pipeline for a custom manipulator. I would like to use a custom controller for my robot as ros2_control seems redundant as the motor driver has a control system built-in. So, all i need to do is send the trajectory generated by moveit to the micro-controller responsible for controlling the motor. I did read about FollowJointTrajectoryAction interface of moveit but I am confused on how to work with it. Is FollowJointTrajectoryAction interface the only way or is there any other method to send the trajectory.
I am using MoveIt2! with ROS Humble on Ubuntu 22.04
Please advice on how to implement it. Any help is appreciated! Thank you!
You would need an action server of type FollowJointTrajectoryAction to receive the goals. You can implement it on Ubuntu and receive goal -> parse -> send the commands to MCU over serial or any other supported communication protocols.
@Cryoschrome in this post you talked about using a topic subscription inside the hardware interface plugin of ros_control2, could you share how you got that to work, please...
Sorry to bother you guys, I have another problem.
If I want to use moveit2 servo which using joystick to control the robot arm, create the server of type FollowJointTrajectoryAction can also rechieve the work ?
- ROS2 version : Humble
- Ubuntu 22.04
Thanks for your reading. Have a nice day!!
It's no problem @Jason-Lee0. An action server won't work for Servo. It's too slow to respond and the code isn't compatible with it anyway.
@AndyZe Thanks for your quick reply. An action server won't work for Servo, so how could I controll the real robot with moveit servo ?
Could you give some advice to deal with it?
Thanks for your reading. Sorry to bother you.
Best Regards.
First check if the driver of the robot is capable of streaming commands. Then make a controller that accepts std_msgs/Float64MultiArray or trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory message types.
The standard way to do this is with ros2_control. Examples here:
@AndyZe Thanks for your reply!
Here’s the demo link I found (
Maybe I could refer the code to achieve my purpose.
If you have any suggestions, please tell me.
Thanks for your reading and help!
Have a nice day!