ros_qtc_plugin copied to clipboard
source for zsh support
Hi, I have seen that there was a commit for supporting zsh, but I use the recent version build project and get the messages below:
[ROS Warning] Unable to locate build directory for package: demo_pub. [ROS Warning] Unable to locate package rviz_tele_ctrl build file: /home/sdk/workspace/ros/demo_ws/build/rviz_tele_ctrl/rviz_tele_ctrl.cbp. [ROS Debug] Sourced workspace: /home/sdk/workspace/ros/demo_ws/devel/setup.bash.
I see the source code, in ros_qtc_plugin-4.9/src/project_manager/ros_utils.cpp, it seems that default shell is still bash
bool ROSUtils::sourceROS(QProcess *process, const Utils::FileName &rosDistribution)
bool results = sourceWorkspaceHelper(process, Utils::FileName(rosDistribution).appendPath(QLatin1String("setup.bash")).toString());
if (!results)
Core::MessageManager::write(QObject::tr("[ROS Warning] Faild to source ROS Distribution: %1.").arg(rosDistribution.toString()));
return results;
bool ROSUtils::sourceWorkspace(QProcess *process, const WorkspaceInfo &workspaceInfo)
if (!initializeWorkspace(process, workspaceInfo))
return false;
Utils::FileName bash(workspaceInfo.develPath);
if (workspaceInfo.install)
bash = Utils::FileName(workspaceInfo.installPath);
if (bash.exists())
Core::MessageManager::write(QObject::tr("[ROS Debug] Sourced workspace: %1.").arg(bash.toString()));
if (sourceWorkspaceHelper(process, bash.toString()))
return true;
Core::MessageManager::write(QObject::tr("[ROS Warning] Failed to source workspace because this file does not exist: %1.").arg(bash.toString()));
return true;
Core::MessageManager::write(QObject::tr("[ROS Warning] Failed to source workspace: %1.").arg(workspaceInfo.path.toString()));
return false;
Is there any problem in plugin or my configuration. Thanks a lot!
When building it uses bash but for the integrated terminal when running ros nodes or launch files it reads the environment to source the correct file. See ros_generic_run_step.cpp.