industrial_training copied to clipboard
Error compiling exercise 4.1
When trying to build this exercise, I get following error:
"catkin_ws/src/ur5_demo_descartes/include/ur5_demo_descartes/ur_moveit_plugin.h:89:48: fatal error: moveit_msgs/GetKinematicSolverInfo.h: No such file or directory"
Reading this post, it seems that this GetKinematicSolverInfo service has been removed from package.
Any suggestion?
@gaetanauvray Which branch are you are you using?
I am using kinetic for both, ros_industrial and movit_msgs.
I was able to work around by putting the jade-devel branch of movit_msgs in my catkin environment, but solution might still be needed for kinetic branch.
Hi, had a similar issue, and fixed it in my IK plugin by this simple action
#include <moveit_msgs/GetKinematicSolverInfo.h> should be replaced by #include <moveit_msgs/KinematicSolverInfo.h>