Ronnie Flathers
Ronnie Flathers
Okay, refactored a bit so the NTLMTargetInfo is now part of the NTLMInitiator instead of the Session. I can still call it from outside the package with something like this:...
This is definitely something I’d love as well. It would require implementing Kerberos in the underlying `go-ldap` package I use. Not impossible (I got a PR merged in there to...
Hey! Yes, this is a known issue I call out in the README. The way the "relayx" scripts dynamically load modules makes them difficult to statically build and I never...
Yep, sorry about that. Looks like v0.9.20 is out on Impacket upstream, so I'll try to build and release binaries later tonight. I would love a way to automatically trigger...
v0.9.20 released :)
Yeah, thats the part I got stuck on. Without getting Impacket's owner to set something up, it's not easy. I might play with a nightly pipeline that just queries the...
Interesting idea! I'd have to experiment and play around more. Most Android devices are ARM, and I don't have access to any ARM build systems through CircleCI, so it would...
Good idea! This would require a bit of hack in gokrb5 but it can work. Basically instead of calling `client.NewWithPassword`, we'll call `client.NewWithKeytab` and manually create at temporary keytab with...
Good point. I can make the error message clearer. Maybe a better implementation of `--safe` would be to check if we get `ERR_CLIENT_REVOKED` a certain number of times in a...
Hi @lukehinds - thanks for the response! This would actually require touching both codebases. Cosign does the public key parsing from a file here ( But sigstore is responsible for...