qualR copied to clipboard
This is the qualR package, it will help you bring São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro air quality data to your R session :brazil:.
hi @quishqa , do you think you can develop an hex logo? I'm creating a presentation with all the hex logos nd it looks great. I'm gonna create one for...
submit qualR to CRAN is the next step on the package development
There is two small features that can be improved (or documented in detail) for the next update of the package: The last day of requested data is not included in...
Instead of calling the APIs for tests, could the package store some responses using a specialized package like vcr or httptest(2)? More context in https://books.ropensci.org/http-testing/, happy to answer questions on...
:wave: @quishqa! I don't know yet why the Windows build is failing (I am on Ubuntu and can't run the tests locally yet see #9) however I think this test...
If the default value of `verbose` where `getOption("qualr.verbose", TRUE)` it'd be easier to control globally, for instance making it quiet in tests. See https://ropensci.org/blog/2024/02/06/verbosity-control-packages/
Instead of https://github.com/ropensci/qualR/blob/95141311e88ad890dd06ad34069f637ae26b834e/tests/testthat/test-cetesb_retrieve_param.R#L5 you could use `withr::local_tempdir()` (withr would be listed under `Suggests` in `DESCRIPTION`) which would have the nice property of being cleaned up after automatically, the directory would...
I'm trying to run tests locally but I don't know how I would store the password (haven't created one yet). Would it make sense for qualR to use or recommend...