Same here but in windows. When packaging (without --onefile), there exists a file in `\node_modules\electron\dist\resources\ `named `default_app.asar` with ~100kb. If I remove that file and then create a folder with...
I face the same issue. Looking into the django code, it seems that in version 3.2.0 have been added a check in class Model where abstract models cannot be instantiated:...
Same here with ubuntu : ``` def processing(): input_file = os.path.join(REPORTS_DIR, 'Blank_A4_1.jrxml') output_file = os.path.join(REPORTS_DIR, 'csv') conn = { 'driver': 'json', 'data_file': os.path.join(RESOURCES_DIR, 'resources/restaurants.json'), 'json_query': 'restaurants' } pyreportjasper = PyReportJasper()...