Gonzalo Moreno
Gonzalo Moreno
hi @jeffAwesome I had the same problem with Spree 4.4.0.rc1 and the solution is to override the `Spree::Api::V2::ResourceSerializerConcern` so that it only includes getter methods that do not require parameters...
@errawn check the https://github.com/spree-contrib/spree_multi_vendor gem
Maybe wishlist form is inside cart_form on product show view.
Your `WelcomesController` should inherit from `Spree::StoreController`
@weefunker there is some initializer that queries for some table without checking if there is connection to the database first. Try to uncomment the gem of your Gemfile, create the...
Hi @viveki2it I recommend you install the updated version from spree-contrib https://github.com/spree-contrib/spree_searchkick I stopped supporting this extension because I had little time
Hi @SValkanov, price filter is not included, but I intend to add it soon. Sorry
@haukurhrafn originally the search class was designed for the frontend, but I will investigate if it is possible to adapt it for the future implementation of the finder class