This might be resolved now, can you please recheck Cris? @cmrockwell
@christophetd , not sure if that what you've ment, but one solution/workaround is to generate xml on build time, then let Reflections collect it on bootstrap. see [here](
thanks @HenningL, will be fixed in next release. workaround for now - build the ConfigurationBuilder explicitly `new ConfigurationBuilder().setX().setY()` better attached the actual exception message... and move to Intellij : )
as @nachomezzadra mentioned > This seems to have been fixed now in Spring boot 2.3.6.RELEASE > > > * "java.lang.IllegalStateException: zip file closed" when call of spring-boot-loader #23821 >...
thanks @DavidShahbazyan , saw your pr and I'd like to merge it. if you wish to discuss or some guidance, feel free to reach out ronmamo at gmail
@Lonzak I've updated README accordingly and took the liberty to rephrase the issue : ) Thanks 🙏
should be fixed with 0.10.2, @laszlo-torok also @carlyhill6895 more feedback from scala land is appreciated.
thanks @davidburstrom , a fix pushed removing optional from slf4j-api dependency. hth, lmk (ref [pr](
hey @JJBRT , fuck off!