Ron Kok
Ron Kok
Currently, `\pmb` is implemented by rendering multiple copies of the argument with small offsets. It's a kludge, as indicated by (1) the complex exceptions in the original AMS macro, and...
This PR adds an HTML id to the same element to which KaTeX assigns `class="tag"`. This enables an author to write a link elsewhere in the document. It may someday...
TikZ is a powerful graphics package for LaTeX. But it is currently impossible to implement TikZ in MathML. Even if it were possible, the implementation would be a _huge_ effort....
Some improvements to `{array}` environments would be nice. - [ ] \cline - [ ] \multicolumn - [ ] \multirow - [ ] \rowcolor - [ ] \cellcolor - [...
When CSS `text-box-trim` becomes available in WebKit, try using it to get the correct vertical alignment of accents in WebKit.