Ron Kok
Ron Kok
`\mathord{-}` will remove the operator spacing, if that is what you're after. Or even just `{-}`.
@wujinq You are correct in that `\ref` requires a pass through the entire document. As it happens, I've already implemented `\label` and `\ref` in my new library, [Temml]( I could...
For pages whose math has been rendered server-side, the `postProcess()` function would still run client-side, if at all. There would be a small client-side file, `katexPostProcess.js`. It would contain nothing...
> \ref can reference equations that haven't been rendered yet? Yes. > How does `postProcess()` know what to do when looking at the DOM? When tags or AMS environments are...
Yes, KaTeX is tightly bound to the KaTeX fonts. What that gives KaTeX is pre-knowledge of the metrics of every glyph. That pre-knowledge enables KaTeX do all its layout in...
@Leedehai Thank you for the pull request. I have some questions. 1. MathJax has a `physics` extension that implements part of the LaTeX `physics` package. In the MathJax extension, some...
There was a point in time when KaTeX wrote SVGs and SVG paths (but no other DOM elements) via `innerHTML`. I was encouraged to change this and render into DOM...
I think the rendering is about as good as we can expect to get. The PR needs documentation updates. For the accent table in ``, I suggest modifying the bottom...
If you want to use MathML output, I suggest using [Temml]( instead of KaTeX. Temml is a fork of KaTeX and in Temml, I fixed a lot of MathML rendering...
Hi, @edemaine. Thanks for your interest. We could approach the larger MathML rendering problem in a couple of ways. 1. Address individual bugs one-by-one as the bug reports come in....