Roman Zavarnitsyn

Results 71 issues of Roman Zavarnitsyn

Closes #382 Decided to go for the same approach for multi-callback listener as it was done for `Animator` listener extensions. Not sure that this is the best option, looking forward...

To facilitate the retrieving of an attribute from a theme, I'd like to propose the following extension: ```Kotlin inline fun Resources.Theme.resolveAttribute( resId: Int, resolveRefs: Boolean = true ): TypedValue =...

I'm not sure that this is a good idea, cause we'd have a new instance of Handler each time this function is called, but would it worth to have something...

I think most of the time folks use CountDownTimer with 1s interval and only `onTick` callback. So we could use a default parameter for interval (also probably for starting the...

Would it make sense to have something like ```Kotlin inline fun View.doOnActionUp(crossinline action: (event: MotionEvent) -> Unit) inline fun View.doOnActionMove(crossinline action: (event: MotionEvent) -> Unit) inline fun View.doOnActionCancel(crossinline action: (event:...

Hi @florina-muntenescu , thanks for this great introduction into MVVM + RxJava world. But I'm wondering now, how it would survive during orientation changes. Assume, we have some long-running background...

Firstly, thank you @yigit for this useful and easy-to-use library. I recently received an exception in my Crashlytics console. Here is the stacktrace: ``` Fatal Exception: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteFullException: database or disk...

Given that okio went multiplatform already, and okhttp is slowly [going]( towards that direction, would it be possible for Retrofit to go multiplatform some day? I'm just curious what are...


### Description The app start actually consists of multiple steps (e.g. process creation, bindApplication, etc.), so we could potentially create spans for each of this steps to give more insights...

Platform: Android
Effort: Medium
Impact: Large