Results 9 issues of Roman PARYGIN

Hello Shing, I want to make form for adding new skey symbols to IsoAlgo.skey (as I understood it based on IDF format) for isometrics. Please, can you write briefly how...

Hello Shing, Please, can you add Python library **lxml** to new release. In new form I need to read xml files and that for that I use **lxml** library. So...

Hello Shing, Please, can you add new system variables into PipeCAD and add them into evars.bat: ```batch SET PIPECAD_HELP_PATH=%~dp0\docs echo PipeCAD Help Folder: %PIPECAD_HELP_PATH% SET PIPECAD_MENU_PATH=%~dp0\uic echo PipeCAD Menus Folder:...


Hello Shing, Please can you add functionality to output BOM of iso by separate command, for example: ```python self.isoGraphicsView = QIsoGraphicsView(self) self.isoGraphicsView.SetOptionFile(aOptionFile) mto = self.isoGraphicsView.Output.Materials() ``` Output of BOM can...


Hello Shing, Please can advise if you implement any check for collision for 3d model?


Hello Shing, Please, can you enhance mechanism of selection of P-Points while measuring distance between 2 elements which have P-Points (piping components and primitives). Currently, it is quite difficult to...


Hello Shing, Are there any customization of Ribbon menu? Is it possible to add possibility to build ribbon menu by loading from xml file like in E3D?


Is it possible to add possibility to check if new version is available and update PipeCAD automatically after. I found one Qt solution which can be useful for you -...


During creating database system check db number, which has to be in range 1-8000. Is it some Core limitations, which requires following this rule? Currently, I see only one reason...
