Web interface never asks for data (never send M408 S1) But after click connect on web page, web interface send M408 S2 , then M408 S5. But never M408 S1.
Ok. I can test it too. But I found one more problem. The buttons on confirmation windows (after file uploading, after click ATX power off or after click "Return to...
Log from Firefox console: GET XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 891ms] GET XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 127ms] TypeError: e.coords is undefined ugly.min.js.gz:1:4822 GET XHR [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 155ms]...
Of course. And send some fixes to Roland, because firmware has bug in "GCodeFileInfo::init" function. I'm AVR 'C' programer :-)
Ok, now I wait for new ESP12 module to exclude an hardware problem, and apply Your patch to repetier code, then test it.