Roman Tymoshyk

Results 9 comments of Roman Tymoshyk

Fixed, thank you @SpacePossum!

@jaugustin, can you review my pool request? This branch will fix compatibility of Propel1 with Symfony 4+

@jaugustin can you please help us with merge of this PR? Many people hope to get support of SF4&SF5 with Propel 1.6

@michalmagic42 , could you please also perform next compatibility changes in scope of your pull request? Replace curly braces with square brackets( GeneratorConfig.php:124 QuickGeneratorConfig.php:65 BasePeer.php:400

@staabm, you are right, value evaluated once, but condition tested on each round of foreach. For example in collection with 20 000 items in worst case it will check 20...

Next code was used to measure performance of improvement: ``` $author = new Author(); for ($b = 1; $b addBook($book); } $author->save(); foreach (iterator_to_array($author->getBooks()) as $book) { $author->removeBook($book); } $author->save();...

Done, thank you @SpacePossum

Propel don't support delete with join. You can implement this future in BasePeer::doDelete and provide Pull request

Hi, @mrgrain I think, in `readonly` state control should open the picker without any possibility to change the value