Roman Smirnov
Roman Smirnov
## Description Draft PR to sync with @npepinpe on the metrics. ## Related issues related #9862 ## Definition of Done _Not all items need to be done depending on the...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** To import the exported Zeebe events, any application (including Operate, Tasklist, and Optimize) needs to do a search query by...
**Description:** When the broker activates jobs and before sending them back to the gateway, the gateway potentially could close its connection (e.g., the request timed out, network interruption, gateway died,...
## Description This PR removes the need to have a "do nothing" data generator bean by modularizing the data-generator module in the same way as done for other modules. ##...
## Description ## Related issues related #17579
## Description Remove the intermediate terms & condition modal when having a non production license. Instead, it links now to the legal center showing the non-production terms & conditions. ##...
## Introduction Based on the Single Jar #17062, a Single Application can be started, including Zeebe and Operate. ## Task Breakdown ```[tasklist] ### Pre-conditional Tasks - [ ] ```...
## Description To achieve Single Application #17579, this PR already moves the `Application` class from the `operate-web app` module to the central `dist` module. That way, all relevant application classes...
## Description Depending on #17730, this PR modularizes the `operate-data-generator` module and cleans up the `operate-webapp` dependencies. ## Related issues related #17579
## Introduction Based on #17062, Tasklist will become part of the Single Jar (that already includes Zeebe and Operate). ## Breakdown * Preparete Tasklist dependencies to align with Zeebe's *...