Roman Mátyus
Roman Mátyus
Snippet can add own assets after change status. Now it's not possible send this files with payload.
`header:end` render JS script links.
``` html ```
Create `HeaderCollector` as service for collecting information about HTML header. Add macros `{addTitle}`, `{setTitle}`, `{addDescription}`, `{setDescription}`, `{addKeywords}`, `{setKeywords}`, `{setRobots}`. This macros save data's to `HeaderCollector` and `HeaderComponent` only write data's...
riadok 406 hlasi chybu Call to a member function getCss() on a non-object, podobne je to aj na getJs() FIX: Add "->setAssetsCollector($this->context->assetsCollector->collector)" to README and documentation
Whet not all cols can be edited, would be useful select editable by condition ```setEditableCondition()```.
Hello, please, is possible load all trip statistics from ? Thanks