Roman Orekhov

Results 8 comments of Roman Orekhov

> > > I've had good success (last 4-5 restarts) with WinFsp.Launcher in delayed start. I haven't had to manually start the service since doing that. This seemed to help...

Hi, please provide example spreadsheet with the problem since I haven't seen any row duplication yet

This wasn't originally supported, I believe. The reason for "duplicate" is that you are trying to import whole JSON as a table when it's not a table, but contains a...

If anyone's interested #211 should allow usage of ImportJSON custom functions on rectangular range of URLs via ARRAYFORMULA.

I think you all can try using options of `importJSON` function. @zenminimalist 1. `=importJSON("", "/quoteSummary/result")` 2. `=importJSON("", "/", "noInherit")` @anaxoras > But in the google spreadsheets yo can see in...

Did you try just disabling the check inside sol? That is, commenting lines and ?

Replacing each of the 5 occurrences of `return lua_error(L);` with `return luaL_error(L, lua_tolstring(L, -1, nullptr));` results in adding line location: ``` [sol2] An error occurred and panic has been invoked:...

On a related note -- why isn't inspect showing metatables for userdatas?