@haary agreed, and then there's `-f` which I've wanted to control parallelism (aka forkiness), which is mentioned in `-h`... and is a no-op ;) definitely deserves a clean-up
56f2640 improves the situation a bit
Ubuntu has [PPA](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PPA)s. Not sure what's the situation on Debian, usually mixing any flavor with Ubuntu's PPAs is a recipe for disaster. There's https://packagecloud.io/ but they provide very little information...
If your parrot is a git submodule, this works well: `-e git+path/to/dead/parrot#egg=parrot`.
Nice find! In the meantime, I've been able to hack this together: ```elisp (setq system-is-mac (equal "darwin" (symbol-name system-type))) (defun get-appearance-preferences () (if system-is-mac (do-applescript "tell application \"System Events\" tell...
@plata check out https://github.com/eafer/rdrview
@saaros you should use a real monitoring system for that. Try Nagios, Sensu.
inotify is a low-level, **Linux-specific** API. It's not supported under macOS, or any other operating system, like Windows or the BSDs.
Well, Telegram on Mac woke me up yesterday while I was taking a nap after a very difficult day - I've set sleep mode on the phone, which was synced...