Roland Toth Pal

Results 38 comments of Roland Toth Pal

I've tried many combinations but no luck so far. I think the second one is an Uikit issue, it's there with aos disabled too. I guess on load (docready) the...

I can't seem to reproduce. I've disabled all other AOS submodules just to make sure but no joy either.

Well I found a workaround that could work, setting the "lang" GET parameter with a hook: ``` php $this->addHookBefore('ProcessPageList::execute', function(HookEvent $event) { $this->input->get['lang'] = 1020; }); ``` Of course 1020...

From UI point of view it would be better to add the DE, ES, etc buttons on each row next to Choose. I'm not sure if this could achieved easily,...

I think the best would be to create a forum topic about this, and adding a feature request for PW GitHub to make Ryan know about it. The main issue...

Thanks! Meanwhile I may found why jQuery calculates this result. The "#topnav" has 0.5em margin-top and this results in 7.5 pixels (as shown in the dev tools box model figure)....

Having the same issue now on the second site (using the module AdminRestrictBranch). The above fix solves the issue in question but an official fix woud be better.

I haven't upgraded my sites to the latest version to check - I'll get back when I find something.

It would be great if they were hookable. Currently I need to use additional JavaScript to put my custom items in their place wich is not the prettiest thing.

Adding a bigger file icon to the field could be used as a drag-and-drop area so it could work as in the new image fields: ![File upload replace](