Roland Toth Pal

Results 38 comments of Roland Toth Pal

I've made some changes regarding the CodeMirror plugin in v151, hopefully it works OK now.

I think I've fixed it, adding position: relative to the parent div. Seems to works fine here on all 3 admin themes, with left or right aligned IUC buttons. I'll...

This is available in the latest versions, together with a fix for the vertical positioning of the IUC links.

I see the benefits but I'm also not sure if this is doable without enormous efforts. There are lots of fields to take care of (almost all) and the final...

@gmclelland Is this still a valid request? I found that it's easy to add all options using this: ```javascript $('#Inputfield_parentTemplates option').attr('selected', true).parent().trigger('change'); ``` (currently aos.min.js triggers a JS error but...

I've thought about using clipboardjs or similar but for longer texts. The names you list to copy are usually not that long that it would deserve a copy button imo,...

Maybe it's just me but it's easier to me to write these texts by hand instead of copying.

I'm not against it but would like to have a more general solution plus a UI that doesn't get into the way. My idea is that instead of the tooltip...

I couldn't really reproduce but submitted a possible fix, could you check?

I couldn't reproduce the "logo above header" issue. There's an additional "Google Analytics" menu item on the second image, that's why the items couldn't fit in one row. But as...