**Whenever i focus to another tab (Chrome) and come back to supabase application tab , onAuthStateChange fires SIGN_IN event.** Even though i am already signed in , whenever i refocus...
My application was working fine. I was required to refresh pages without losing state. so i replaced `useState `with `useSessionStorage `wherever required. Now it throwing error `Hydration failed because the...
I have a container with `h={"900px"} overflowY={"scroll"}` Inside this container i have suneditor. Scrolling is working fine. But Editor toolbar does not stick to the container top. **Please Note :...
I am using `suneditor `to render the content of different topics. When I switch from one topic to other topic. `"TypeError: this._iframeAutoHeight is not a function"` comes. Also sometimes `TypeError:...
Editor popups, like image popup or katex pop up gets hidden by toolbar. Creates bad user Experience
Editor popup like image popup or katex is hidden by toolbar . it should appear above toolbar so that user can work with it.
On mobile columns become so small that even beautiful content looks very bad. On **Mobile** Desired behaviour should be ---- 1. Table should have minimum column width **(225px to 250px)**,...
Most of the time while inserting image or Katex, It does not get inserted where mouse is placed but it gets inserted at the start of the document.
Sometimes table have more columns (>3) , so when you see the table on mobile , it shrinks and content inside it looks very bad. So i want my table...
I want user to provide image only through link. So i want to prevent from direct copy and pasting image inside editor. How to do this. Otherwise user may mistakenly...
Step 1 : Create a numbered list inside editor. Step 2 : Create a table Step 3 : paste numbred list ctreated in step 1 to table created in step...