Rok Češnovar

Results 38 issues of Rok Češnovar

#### Description: We need some easy to follow instructions on how to use the core Stan inside a user-written C++ program. See for example. The instruction can simply guide...

good first issue is huge and I think the PR thread will eventually become impossible to follow. So I am opening this issue where you can post anything that is missing in...

## Description This is a checklist of all `_cdf`, `_lcdf` and `_lccdf` functions that are not implemented for their `_lpdf` and `_lpmf` counterparts. I am not sure all of them...

good first issue

Stan Math functions that are meant to be exposed in the Stan language have 2 expressions requirements: - they have to be able to accept Eigen expressions - they have...

Cleaning up last few things before the release I tried to add poission_binomial to the language but C++ issue arose and should be cleaned up so we can finally expose...

The following RNG functions are missing (where specific signatures are not listed, that means that no `_rng` signatures are implemented for that function): - [ ] bernoulli_logit_glm_rng ``` bernoulli_logit_glm_rng(matrix, real,...

good first issue

## Description A few tests in our non-prob unit tests take an extraordinarily long amount of time to run. We currently run 5005 tests in the Full Unit tests on...

## Description The distribution tests on develop currently run for 12h. The recently added varmat signatures basically added a x2 testing burden but the distribution tests were unsustainable even before...

This is a step towards closing (moving up to C++17) that we can do immediately after the release. The immediate consequence of moving up to C++14 (we currently support...

#### Description: [RTools 4v2]( offers the use of g++ 10.3 with UCRT (Universtal C Runtime) in addition to the mingw g++ 8.3, which we currently recommend. UCRT is what Visual...

help wanted