Hi @sun5k , I am also working on the implementation of this transition model within SU2. In order to verify the code, I am running simulations on the E387 profile...
Hi @sun5k, I think that the restart of the solution is missing. Since for CTransLMSolver you have inherited the functions from CTurbSolver class, the restart is only applied to the...
Hi @sun5k, could you please add also the configuration files to reproduce these results? I would try to run these simulations too with my implementation of the transition model. Thank...
> > Hi @sun5k, could you please add also the configuration files to reproduce these results? I would try to run these simulations too with my implementation of the transition...
> How many of orders of magnitude are the residuals dropping? And have you tried SA instead of SST? Residuals drop down by roughly 5 orders of magnitude across the...
I tried reducing the grid spacing both in normal and in tangential direction to the symmetry plane. It seems that acting only on the tangential direction only worsen the results....
> Recently I was looking around the 3rd Annual SU2 conference web page(#1683), and I came across a presentation that seemed to be related to this PR. > > [SU2conference](
Sure! The implementation looks suspicious. Now that I have the results for the NACA0021 at 60deg I can try play with it a little bit.
> Hi @rois1995 any progress? Would be very interesting to add this to develop, looking forward to using it actually. Hi @bigfooted, unfortunately I do not have enough time/computational power...
> I find your work really interesting. I've been studying the internal flow field in compressors and have had good results using SU2's SA_EDDES for calculating the cantilevered stator with...